Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bye bye Blogger, Hello WordPress

Any second now you will be redirected to my new home. Visit me there and I'll fill you in.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My latest google maps hack: crime in the hood

When google recently announced their new "My Maps" feature I knew I had to try it out, the only question was, what map do I want to build?

I tried mapping my Flickr snapshots. But Flickr had already done that. Not too interesting.

Then it occured to me that I get a daily Ingleside Police Station Crime Report email that lists all of the police activity for that day that includes the address of the incident. Bingo. So I started mapping crime reports. This is what I came up with. It currently covers the four days from April 2nd through April 5th, listing the arrests and criminal incidents. No, I will not maintain this map. I just used it as a way to learn about this feature. But it does offer an interesting view on the crime in our hood...